Ernesta Statkutė-Kerpienė

Apie projektą:

Šalis: Lietuva
Plotas: 101.71m2

Jogos studija

Studija Om – jogos, kalanetikos, pilates studija Vilniuje. Dažnai šiuolaikinis skubantis žmogus nebeturi laiko tinkamai pagalvoti apie savo poilsį, bet jam tik reikia praverti šios studijos duris ir žmogus tarsi patenka į „ 1001 naktis“ pasaką. Medžio drožybos elementai, veidrodžiai auksiniuose rėmuose, dramblių, budų statulėlės, žvakių liepsna, pagalvėlės, žibintai, eterinių aliejų kvapas sukuria paslaptingumo būseną.Studijos salėje reikėjo atsižvelgti į jos paskirtį ir palikti tuščią erdvę, dekorą sutelkiant ant sienų ir lubų.Išraiškingiausiu akcentu tapo vidinės arabiško stiliaus, įstrižai komponuotos durys. Išorinėje pusėje jos dengtos tik aukso folija, o vidinėje – rankų darbo augalinių ir geometrinių formų keramika, dengta aukso folija. Sienele šalia durų – ištapyta pilka spalva su aukso dulkėmis. Joje per visą plotį įkomponuota lentyna, turinti ledininį apšvietimą į viršų ir į apačią. Priešinga siena yra iš vitrininių langų, kuriuos dengia lengvos baltos ir naktinės tamsiai rudos užuolaidos. Galinėje sienoje įrėmintas didelis veidrodis. Jam iš kraštų pastatytos didelės žalvarinės vazos, o vidury- budos statulėlė. Priešingoje pusėje - gongas, užburiantis savo meditaciniais garsais. Kurdama apšvietimą, pasirinkau žibintus, kurių šviesos ir šešėlių žaismas sukūrė ant lubų nuostabius ornamentus į kuriuos žiūrint ir klausant gongų muzikos pasineri į saugumo, meiles ir ramybės būseną.


Studio Om is a yoga, callanetics and pilates studio in Vilnius. Often a modern and always in a hurry person does not have time to even properly think about rest. But all such person needs is to open the door of this studio and he enters into a fairytale of “One Thousand and One Nights”. Wood carving elements, mirrors in golden frames, statuettes of buddhas and elephants, candle lights, pillows, lanterns and a smell of essential oils create a sense of mystery. It was necessary to consider the purpose of the studio’s hall and to leave an empty space, thus concentrating the elements of décor on the walls and ceilings. Diagonally angular Arabic style inner door has become the most eloquent accent. On the inner side this door is covered only with gold foil and on the outer side- handmade ceramics in shapes of plants and geometrical forms, which are covered in gold foil. The wall alongside the door is painted in grey colour with gold dust. Over the entire width of the wall there is a shelf installed, which has a led lighting directed upwards and downwards. The wall situated on the opposite side is made out of shop windows, which are covered with light white and dark brown blackout curtains. A big framed mirror is hanging on the back wall with big brass vases placed on each side of it and a Buddha statuette in the middle. On the opposite side you can see a gong, which fascinates with its meditative sounds. While designing the lighting, I chose lanterns, the playing lights and shadows of which create magnificent ornaments. When those ornaments are observed while listening to gong music you can indulge yourself into a state of safety, love and serenity. Studio Om is a yoga, callanetics and pilates studio in Vilnius. Often a modern and always in a hurry person does not have time to even properly think about rest. But all such person needs is to open the door of this studio and he enters into a fairytale of “One Thousand and One Nights”. Wood carving elements, mirrors in golden frames, statuettes of buddhas and elephants, candle lights, pillows, lanterns and a smell of essential oils create a sense of mystery. It was necessary to consider the purpose of the studio’s hall and to leave an empty space, thus concentrating the elements of décor on the walls and ceilings. Diagonally angular Arabic style inner door has become the most eloquent accent. On the inner side this door is covered only with gold foil and on the outer side- handmade ceramics in shapes of plants and geometrical forms, which are covered in gold foil. The wall alongside the door is painted in grey colour with gold dust. Over the entire width of the wall there is a shelf installed, which has a led lighting directed upwards and downwards. The wall situated on the opposite side is made out of shop windows, which are covered with light white and dark brown blackout curtains. A big framed mirror is hanging on the back wall with big brass vases placed on each side of it and a Buddha statuette in the middle. On the opposite side you can see a gong, which fascinates with its meditative sounds. While designing the lighting, I chose lanterns, the playing lights and shadows of which create magnificent ornaments. When those ornaments are observed while listening to gong music you can indulge yourself into a state of safety, love and serenity.

Nuotraukos: Leonas Garbačauskas