Antakalnio medicinos ir sveikatingumo centras

Rekonstruotame pastate įsikūręs medicinos centras apjungė kelias klinikas su siekiu teikti inovatyvias, profesionalias, visaapimančias sveikatingumo paslaugas klientams. Kuriant interjerą, buvo svarbu, kad čia atėjęs žmogus jaustųsi ramiai, saugiai, apgobtas profesionalaus dėmesio ir rūpesčio. Kiekviename aukšte yra skirtinga klinika, jas vienija bendra centro idėja, o tuo pačiu ir interjero stilistika. Nors griežti higienos reikalavimai ribojo ir lėmė kompromisus renkantis medžiagas, jaukumas kurtas ramia spalvine gama, derančia su vizualiniu centro identitetu, bei akustiniais ir apšvietimo sprendimais. Dalis senų laiptų išsaugota kaip vertingas interjero elementas. Dėmesys klientui atspindėtas ir kruopščiai parinktomis interjero detalėmis – čia esantys paveikslai ir fotografijos su gamtos motyvais – kurti specialiai šiam centrui.

The medical centre, seeking to provide innovative, professional and wholistic health care, was established in the reconstructed historical building in Vilnius. The brief from the client was that the interior must reinforce the idea, that a visitor’s individual needs are attended by a specialist with a customized healthcare approach. Although each floor is rented by a different clinic, all clinics must be united by the common interior style to reflect the medical centre’s identity. In spite of the strict healthcare building codes which are limiting the materials available for the interior, the comfortable and calming interior was achieved through use of pastel colours as well as the acoustic and the indirect lighting solutions. A part of 100-year old stairs were kept as a historical interior element. The idea of customized healthcare is echoed by use of the abstract watercolor paints and the photographies that were specially created for this project.

Nuotraukos: Andrius Stepankevičius